Hello and happy new month! March 2021 is here and we are grateful to have made it thus far. The purpose of this 7 DAY PRAYER BULLETS CHALLENGE is for restoration of everything that you have lost .It will guide you on how to pray as you take back what the devil has stolen from you. John 10:10 says "the thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full," through these prayer points, you shall resist him continually and through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, you will over come and have life in abundance. May the glory of the Holy Spirit descend upon your prayer closet as you seek the Lord's face through these prayer points for restoration. I don’t know what the devil has stolen from you, or is actively stealing from you but I know there is liberty in Christ! Be restored! In the mighty name of Jesus! Marriages are restored, in Jesus’ name! Businesses are restored in Jesus’ name!! Health is restored, in Jesus’ name! Ministries, are restored in Jesus’ name! Speak to your situation right now, whatever it is that you are believing God for a touch today, let it not go unaddressed. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. We are believing God for rest, for an uplift for those who have carried burdens too long! As you pray these prayer points, God will not only answer you, He will protect and preserve your blessings. Pray these prayer points with faith and recover all you have lost. May your lives be transformed completely for the better as you become a man or woman of prayer in the name of Jesus. Amen. Let’s get praying!!
Deuteronomy 28 : 13
And the LORD will make you the head and not the tail; you shall be above only, and not be beneath, if you heed the commandments of the LORD your God, which I command you today, and are careful to observe them.
Job 22:25-28
Yes, the Almighty will be your gold And your precious silver; For then you will have your delight in the Almighty, And lift up your face to God. You will make your prayer to Him, He will hear you, And you will pay your vows. You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways.
Psalm 51:12
Restore to me the joy of your salvation, and uphold me with a willing spirit.
Isaiah 61:7
Instead of your shame there shall be a double portion; instead of dishonor they shall rejoice in their lot; therefore in their land they shall possess a double portion; they shall have everlasting joy.
1.God is not a man that He should lie nor the son of man that He would repent of any of His pronouncements. All power belongs to Him. Therefore I believe every word of God because the word of God is God Himself and if God says it, it cannot be a lie. Every promise of God for my life will surely come to pass in Jesus’ name.
2.I stand on the victory of Jesus over Satan, and over death and hell, for it is written that Jesus first of all descended into the lower parts of the Earth, and stripped the devil of his power. He then ascended on high, and gave gifts onto men. By this victory let, every gathering of powers of darkness that is against my prayer life, my success, my breakthrough, my restoration, my destiny be defeated by the power in the blood of Jesus.
3.The Scripture says that if I ask I will receive. I ask and by faith I receive, glory and open heavens from God. My God Jehovah is all sufficient. The Bible says that He will grant me divine abundance in every area of my life and I receive it by faith in Jesus’ name.
4.God has spoken into my life and I believe it. I’m beginning to walk in my breakthroughs and my destiny. I am not a failure and I shall operate only as the head and not the tail. I shall dwell on the mountain always and not in the valley. I shall no longer be disappointed at the edge of my miracles, success and victory for the blood of the lamb of God has cleansed every mark of failure. Right now I stand in the position of the true Child of God, ordained to reign as a king or queen on Earth and I command the favor of God to come upon me. God has put His Word in my mouth as a weapon of destruction and restoration. I use that power to speak destruction upon every agent of the enemy trying to stop my blessings, my breakthrough and my destiny. I use my mouth to decree restoration upon my life for it is written I should discard the former things. God shall do a new thing in my life and it shall spring forth. Now I ask for new things to begin to spring forth in my health, marriage, in my business, in my career, in my finances, in my spiritual life, in my children’s lives, in my husbands lives, and my family members lives in my friends lives and in every area of my life in Jesus' name.
Heavenly Father, I feel I have wasted so many years of my life pursuing wrong things and getting involved with worldly activities, fleshly pursuits and the various temporary things of life, while neglecting the important spiritual issues, that are eternal and lasting. I ask for Your forgiveness and pray that in Your grace You would restore to me the years that the locusts have eaten, the years that I have foolishly wasted. Lord, I want to be a good and faithful servant when I stand before Your throne, and I know that most if not all of the good works I have done are likely to be burned up, knowing that I have been striving in the flesh instead of resting in You and letting Your Holy Spirit live and work through me. Restore to me the heavenly joy and inner peace that has been evading me. Help me to focus on the eternal rather than the temporal and from this day forward, may I start to live my life in a way that you would have me live. In Jesus' name I pray. AMEN
*Choose a day to start your prayer challenge and pray them daily. If you miss one day ,you can pray that day's prayers the following day, there is no need to restart the challenge.
*Set a time to pray.
*Have your notebook and Bible with You.
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures.
*Write down what you hear in your spirit, dreams, visions, solutions etc.
*Praise and worship.
*Thank God for answered prayers.
Day 1 Restoration of Spiritual Life
*Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
Confess and meditate on these Scriptures
Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1-2 ,1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Gal 5:22-23
Father, I thank You for this prayer programme. I thank You because the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but are mighty to the pulling down of satanic strongholds. Jehovah , I pray that You will manifest Your presence in my life during this prayer. Father, I declare that JESUS is Lord over my life spirit, soul and body. Father, I declare that I (Your name), I am sanctified by the blood of Jesus. Father, I declare that I (Your name), I am redeemed by the blood of Jesus. Father, I declare that I (Your name), I am justified by the blood of Jesus. Father, I declare that I (Your name), have the life of God in me. Father, I declare today, that every word that I (Your name) shall speak will please the Lord and glorify His name. Father, I pray that You will release legions of warrior angels to assist me in this battle. Father, let the Holy Spirit fill me, (Your name) afresh in Jesus Mighty Name. Holy Ghost fire, purge my life, in the name of Jesus. I break the hold of any evil power over my life, (Your name) in Jesus name.
Prayer Points 1. Father, pour out Your Spirit upon me, I need a fresh anointing and revival in Jesus’ name.
2. Father, I desire to do Your will, refresh my thirsty soul by Your power.
3.Father, give me new depths of intimacy with the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus.
4.Father, anoint me with fresh oil as I embark on this prayer challenge by the power of the Holy Spirit.
5.Father, let there be a sudden visitation of the Holy Spirit that will cause revival to break forth in every area of my life in Jesus’ name.
6.Lord, let there be visible demonstrations of Your power in my life in Jesus’ name.
7.Lord, stir up every spiritual gift in my life that has become dormant or inactive due to backsliding by fire.
8.By the Power of the Holy Ghost, let there be divine investment of spiritual gifts and uncommon abilities in my life.
9.Father let the fruits of the spirit manifest in my life.I decree that I am deeply rooted in Your love and bear upward fruit and that only the fruits of righteousness are made manifest in my life.
10.Father, restore the hunger and thirst I had for Your Kingdom to build Your church into strong army, to take territories for You.
11.Anoint me to reach lost souls and share the gospel in the name of Jesus.
12.Lord, I decree upon my life the anointing to overtake and recover all my lost glory in the name of Jesus.
13. Father, open my eyes and reveal what is keeping me from serving You as You desire.
14.Lord, help me to fast and pray like never before.
15.Lord, let 2021 be my year of restoration of greatness and glory in Jesus' name.
16.Father, renew Your fire and passion in my life for the work of the ministry in me.
17.Lord, birth in me a mighty hunger for Your presence in Jesus' name.
18.Father, revive my personal walk with You in Jesus’ name.
19.I declare that my walk with the Lord will not be in vain, I declare that as I walk with the Lord, I will not fail Him.
20.I declare that as I receive strength and grace for the work that Your strength is made perfect in Jesus Christ.
I seal every prayer point in the blood of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Day 2 General Restoration Prayers
*Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures*
Joel 2:28, Acts 2:1-2 ,1 Corinthians 12:7-11, Gal 5:22-23
Prayer Points
1.Thank You Lord for these prayer points. Father, I thank You for the restoration of my past glory in Jesus name.
2. Lord, let there be all-round and total restoration in every area of my life through this prayer challenge , in the name of Jesus.
3. I command all doors of good things, closed against me by the enemy to be opened by fire , in the name of Jesus.
4.Lord by the power of Heaven ,restore everything of time, resources, finances and happiness that I have lost in the name of Jesus.
5.Lord, restore every blessing , success and wasted years in Jesus name.
6.In the same way that You remembered Job, remember me Jehovah and restore peace, joy, happiness, unity in my life, in my family’s life and in my marriage in Jesus’ name.
7.I bind the spirit of stagnation, frustration and disillusionment in my life, in the name of Jesus.
8.I reject the spirit of impossibility, I claim open doors, in the name of Jesus.
9.Lord restore peace in our Nations and bring a permanent solution to this pandemic in the name of Jesus.
10.Restore unto me every of my blessings that the enemy has withheld, exchange or diverted in Jesus name.
11.Today, I pray to you O Lord, let Your angels gather unto me all my blessings and resources which Satan has stolen from me in Jesus name. Father, let Your angels begin to bear me up in every area I have stumbled. Let your angels carry me and place me in my blessings in Jesus name.
12.Thank You Lord for Your goodness, mercy, love and provisions.
I seal these prayer points with the blood of Jesus.
Day 3 Spiritual Warfare
*Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures*
James 4:7 ,1 John 4:4 ,2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Prayer Points
1.Confess and repent of all sins, known and unknown.
2.Touch you lips and confess this: “my mouth is anointed with the power of God Almighty every word of prayer that I will pray will come to pass in Jesus’ name”.
3.Let the favor of God overflow upon my life, as I pray, in Jesus’ name.
4.May the anointing of restoration come mightily upon me now, in Jesus’ name.
5.Every person or personality who has taken what belongs to me; I command them to release it in Jesus’ name.
6.I retrieve back from the hands of the enemy any of my possession that I unknowingly misplaced, in Jesus’ name.
7.Father God, I pray for a seven-fold restoration of everything the enemy has taken from me, in Jesus’ name.
8.Oh LORD, restore my wasted years in Jesus’ name.
9.I remove from my life by fire every barrier and blockage to my breakthroughs in Jesus’ name.
10.LORD, restore my wasted efforts, money, business deals, education cares, health, strength and blessings and time in Jesus’ name.
11.I uproot and destroy from my life by the Holy Ghost fire every obstacle to my miracle, in Jesus’ name.
12.Let every strong man in my life, family or environment be expelled now, in Jesus’ name.
13.Therefore, I break in pieces every horn scattering my blessings, in the name of Jesus Christ.
14.With the blood of Jesus Christ, I shatter every covenant that gives the enemy upper hand to take from me the blessings God has given to me.
15.I destroy every hedge the enemy has put over my blessings, in Jesus’ name.
16.Every evil power holding back my prayers, or the answers to my prayer, I command you to be bound, in Jesus’ name.
17. Lord by Your Power release my destiny helpers to come to me now, in Jesus’ name.
18.Every shadow of darkness the enemy has cast over me, to prevent my prosperity, job, business contacts, promotion, or breakthrough from locating me, I remove it by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
I seal these prayer points with the blood of Jesus.

Day 4 Prayer Points For Restoration of Marriage/Relationship *Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures*
Isaiah 54:17 ,Ephesians 6 :11-17, Romans 8: 37
Prayer Points
The following prayer points are specially designed to bring total restoration of your marriage or relationship. If your marriage/relationship is already under attack, these prayer points are perfect for you. Pray them as often as you can, until you receive victory.
1.Thank God for His grace, love, protection and provisions in your life and family.
2.Father God, I appreciate You for all the good things You have done in my life and marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
3.I confess and repent of every sin I have committed knowingly or unknowingly, in Jesus’ name.
4.Father, I bring my marriage/relationship under Your right hand of restoration today.
5.Oh God, intervene divinely in my marriage/relationship, and bring a total positive change into it, in Jesus’ name.
6.LORD, restore and renew our love as couples, in Jesus’ name.
7.Oh God, bring back to us our joy, peace and comfort, that led us into this marriage/relationship. In the name of Jesus Christ.
8.Father, rekindle the longing and passion we had for each other; to be in each other’s hand, in Jesus’ name.
9.LORD, cause our hearts to be united in love, in Jesus’ name.
10.Oh God, take away every evil seed or fruit of separation, hatred, malice and divorce the enemy has sown in our marriage/relationship, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
11.Father, remove from me anything negatively affecting the success of my marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
12.LORD, take away from me every habit, custom or tradition driving my spouse away from me, in the name of Jesus Christ.
13.Father, deliver me from the spirit of anger and unforgiveness, in Jesus’ name.
14.Oh God, set me free from lying and deceit, in Jesus’ name.
15.Father God, remove stubbornness from me , in Jesus’ name.
16.LORD, change me and help me to contribute positively to the success of my marriage/relationship, in every way possible, in the name of Jesus Christ.
17.Lord, help me to be faithful in my marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
18.I command total restoration of my marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
19.Father, bring a wind of fresh love, joy, peace and comfort upon my marriage/relationship, in the name of Jesus Christ.
20.Father remove from my spouse anything negatively affecting the success of our marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
21.LORD, take away from my spouse every habit, custom or tradition bringing a separation into our marriage/relationship, in the name of Jesus Christ.
22.Father, deliver my spouse from the spirit of anger and unforgiveness, in Jesus’ name.
23.Oh God, set my spouse free from lying and deceit, in Jesus’ name and remove stubbornness from my spouse, in Jesus’ name.
24.LORD, change my spouse and help them to contribute positively to the success of our marriage/relationship, in every way possible, in the name of Jesus Christ.
25.Lord, help my spouse to be faithful in our marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
26.I command the fire of the Holy Ghost to consume every imagination of the powers of darkness to destroy my marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
27.Every evil hand stretched out against the success of my marriage/relationship, I destroy you, by fire, in the name of Jesus Christ.
28.I release, the consuming fire of God upon any person or personality fighting against my marriage/relationship, in Jesus’ name.
The word of God declares, “…what therefore God has joined together, let not man put asunder.” I declare, in accordance with the Word of God, that no man or woman can be able to destroy my marriage, in Jesus’ name. Any man/woman determined to scatter my marriage/relationship; I command the fire of God to scatter you, in Jesus’ name.
29.I break in pieces every horn scattering my marriage, in the name of Jesus Christ.
30.Every agent of darkness sent to wreck my marriage/relationship; I bind and cast you out, in Jesus’ name. With the blood of Jesus Christ, I shatter every covenant that gives the enemy upper hand to hinder the success of my marriage/relationship, in the name of Jesus Christ.
31.Every covenant opposing the success and continuance of my marriage/relationship, I break you, with the blood of Jesus Christ, in Jesus’ name.
32.I command the blessings of God upon my marriage/relationship, in the name of Jesus Christ.
33.I loose my marriage/relationship from every form of manipulation, in Jesus’ name.
34.I set myself and my spouse free from every demonic manipulation, in the name of Jesus Christ.
35.I command seven-fold restoration of everything the enemy has taken from my marriage, in Jesus’ name.
36.I retrieve back my marriage/relationship, from the hands of the enemy, in Jesus’ name.
37.I receive an hundred-fold restoration of my marriage/relationship, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.
Thank God for answers to your prayers.
Day 5 Financial Restoration
*Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures*
Luke 6:38,Job 22:25-28
Prayer Points
1.Father, I was a fool in the area of money and time management. Restore unto me the power to make wealth and bring my helper, promoter, favorer to me wherever they are located in the name of Jesus.
2.I thank You Lord for restoring all my wasted resources, finances and years in the name of Jesus. Amen.
3.Father, turn embarrassing situations in my life in the name of Jesus.
4.Lord, restore help to save me from frustrating situations in the name of Jesus.
5.My God, deliver me from the curse of begging and borrowing in the name of Jesus.
6.Holy Spirit, end yearly financial struggle in my life in the name of Jesus.
7.Holy Spirit, restore unto me the power of praise in the name of Jesus.
8. I declare in the name of Jesus that the blessings of Abraham reach me as I pray.
9.I declare according to God’s Word that my field is blessed, my house is blessed, and the blessing of my inheritance extends to my generations.
10.I declare and decree that every work of my hands will prosper in Jesus' name.
11.In the name of Jesus, I declare that curses of poverty, negligence, laziness, are ripped and cut off from my generation and to the 10th generations.
13.Thank You, Father, because You heal my finances. Thank You, Father, for enlightening my understanding with good judgment, reasoning, and wisdom to manage my money with great wisdom.
14.I declare in the name of Jesus that neither unemployment nor disengagement will enter my house. The favor of God finds a place for me in my home and there will be no layoffs. Even when others are fired from their jobs, the blood of Christ covers me and my household in Jesus‘ name.
15.I confess that according to God's Word, by His powerful blessing upon us, we will never beg all the days of our lives.
16.Father, release the power to get wealth and the wisdom of God to create multiple streams of income according to Deuteronomy 8:18 in the name of Jesus.
17.Lord I ask for uncommon financial miracles in my life as I partake in this prayer challenge in Jesus’ name.
18.I Command the 4 cardinal points of this nation and the earth to release every financial increase that is due and or long overdue in the name of Jesus.
This is my inheritance from God in the name of Jesus. Amen
Prayer Father, I’m here before You today because I want You to perform a miracle in my life. At this point, I cannot do it alone and even if I could, it cannot be compared to Your deeds. I walk in Your sight and I can personally testify to the other miracles in my life. God, I pray for financial release in the form of employment/my business. I pray that You lift my head so that I may stand proud as one of Your children. I want You to make me a living testimony and shame the enemies who doubted Your great works in my life. I thank You my Father, in Jesus name, Amen.
Day 6 Business restoration
*Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures*
Proverb18:16,Genesis 26:22,Psalms 5:12, Luke 2:52,Proverbs 22:29, Proverbs 10:4
Prayer Points
1.My Father in Heaven let there be a breakthrough for me in my business transactions in the name of Jesus.
2.Lord, let me have the spirit of favor in my business in Jesus' name.
3.Jehovah Jireh, I ask for a release of prosperity in my business in Jesus’ name.
4.Let all demonic hindrances to my finances be totally paralyzed by the fire of the Holy Spirit.
5.I break every circle of failure in Jesus’ name.
6.Let my business be shielded away from all evil observers in the name of Jesus.
7.I claim all my blessings in the name of Jesus.
8.Let all business problems receive divine solution in Jesus’ name.
9.Let men go out of their ways to show favor unto me in the name of Jesus.
10.Lord, let not the plot of the wicked fall upon my business.
11.Every power waging war against my destiny , be removed by the power in the name of Jesus.
12.Anything programmed against my business and its success in the heavenlies be shaken down in Jesus’ name.
13.Every evil chain that is holding me stagnant be broken now by the power in the name of Jesus.
14.Lord reschedule my destiny for uncommon breakthroughs and miracles in Jesus’ name. 15.Father, let there be increase, expansion and growth in my work and business.
16.Father, favor me and the work of my hands beyond my imagination.
17.Lord, give me talents and business ventures that will bring financial security for my family and future generations in the name of Jesus.
18.I cover my business with the blood of Jesus.
Day 7 Restoration of Health
*Ask for forgiveness*
*Praise and Worship*
*Confess and meditate on these Scriptures*
3 John 1:2, Jeremiah 33:6,Exodus 15:26,Jeremiah 30:17
Prayer Points
1. Father, I thank You because the scriptures I read have healed me & my testimony is permanent after these prayers in Jesus’ name.
2. I bind and I cast out any sickness in my body without consideration for their name, for it is written I shall decree a thing and it shall be established therefore I regain my sound health in Jesus name.
3. My body is a temple of God therefore sickness and infirmity whither in the name of Jesus.
4. I declare it loud and clear by the stripes of our Lord Jesus Christ, I am healed in the name of Jesus.
5. O God arise and let the enemy of my health be scattered in the name of Jesus.
6. Son of David, have mercy upon my life and let my sins be washed in Your blood, in the name of Jesus.
7.I decree that the enemy will not convert my health to rags, in Jesus’ name.
8.O Lord, lay Your hands of fire upon my life and change upon my health.
9.I reject and renounce evil covenant, and I nullify their evil effects upon my health, in Jesus’ name.
10.Any evil record against my health in the heavenlies, be wiped off by the blood of Jesus.
11.I refuse to operate below my divine health, in Jesus’ name.
12.I declare and decree that I am healed in Jesus’ name.
Jesus Christ has redeemed me from the curse of the Law. Therefore, I (Your name) forbid any sickness or disease in my body.
I decree and declare that every disease and every virus that touches my body dies instantly in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I declare every organ and every tissue in my body functions in the perfection to which God created it to function.
I forbid any malfunction in my body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Father, through Your Word imparts Your life into me.
I decree life to be restored now into my body with every breath I breathe and every word I speak in Jesus name.
Father, your Word has become a part of me, (Your name).
I decree in Jesus name, Your Holy Word is flowing in my bloodstream.
I decree in the name of Jesus, that Your Word flows to every cell in my body, restoring and transforming my health.
Father Your Word has become flesh; for You sent Your Word and healed me, (Your Name)
In the name of Jesus, I speak life to my immune system and I declare that it will grow stronger every day.
In Jesus’ name the Holy Spirit who raised Jesus Christ from the dead dwells inside me.
In Jesus’ name the Holy Spirit, quickens my immune system with the life and wisdom of God, which guards the life and health of my body.
Every cell that does not promote life and health in my body be cut off from its life source In Jesus name.
My immune system will not allow tumours or growths to live in my body in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I decree in Jesus name, my body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and I command my body to release the right chemicals for a perfect chemical balance.
I declare in the name of Jesus, My pancreas secretes the proper amount of insulin for life and health.
In the name of Jesus, my body will not be deceived by any virus or disease neither will they work against my life or health in any way.
I decree and declare that every cell of my body supports life and health.
I speak to my muscles, bones, heart cells , liver, kidney ,cells, tissues and muscles and joints. I call you to be normal in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
My cells will not respond to any disease in the name of Jesus.
My tissues will not respond to any disease in the name of Jesus.
My organs will not respond to any disease in the name of Jesus.
My muscles will not respond to any disease in the name of Jesus.
My blood will not respond to any disease in the name of Jesus.
My bones will not respond to any disease in the name of Jesus.
Jesus Christ bore my sickness and carried my pain.
In Jesus name, I give no place to sickness or pain.
For God sent His Word and I am healed.
God’s promise of 1 Peter 2:24, “He carried away our sins in his own body on the cross so we can be dead to sin and live for what is right. I have been healed by his wounds.”
Thank you Father for answering my prayer. Shout Hallelujah!
Thank God for sustaining you through this 7 day prayer bullet challenge.
Thank God for granting you the strength to grow through the 7 day prayer bullet challenge.
Glorify God for speedy answers to the prayer requests presented to Him.
Thank God for answered prayers.
Amen 🙏🏼🙌🏾
Amen 🙏
Thank You LORD & I glorify YOU for speedy answers to the prayers requested presented to YOU 🙏🏾🙏🏾
Amen and Amen I trust God to restore the peace and love in my family
Amen 🙏🏾