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Prayers for Healing and Divine Health

Writer's picture: womenofprayer10womenofprayer10

Updated: Jul 19, 2024

1. Start with praise worship. Praise God and worship him with songs of victory.

2. Confess out loud the following scriptures:

Exodus 23: 25-26

Spiritual Warfare Confession

Heavenly Father, I want to say thank You for these anointed prayers. I am truly thankful because the weapons I possess for my spiritual battles are not worldly, but they hold immense power to dismantle the strongholds of the enemy. As I engage in prayer, I earnestly pray for Your presence to be evident in every aspect of my life.

I boldly declare that JESUS is the Lord over my entire being—my spirit, soul, and body. By the precious blood of Jesus, I am set apart, redeemed, and justified. I carry within me the abundant life of God.

Today, I am determined that every word I speak will bring pleasure to You Lord and bring glory to Your name. I am confident that these very words will unleash destruction and chaos within the enemy's camp, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ.

I declare and decree a spiritual conflict among the demons, spirits, personalities, and powers that stand against these prayers. By the power in the precious blood of Jesus, I break their strength and power over my life.

At this moment, I invite warring angels of God to immerse himself in the Scriptures and torment every deceiving demon and spirit in the name of Jesus. Let the fire of the Holy Spirit ignite, as I willingly yield to His presence and surrender my battles to the LORD.

Father, I pray that You dispatch twelve legions of warrior angels to assist me in this ongoing battle. May Your angelic hosts bind and restrain every demonic resistance, intimidating and weakening every satanic opposition.

LORD, please release special angels of battle to forcefully remove stubborn spirits and their agents, leading them to the realm of the wicked for their ultimate destruction through divine earthquakes, thunder, and brimstone, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I  believe that I will possess the blessings that are rightfully mine. Let twelve legions of angels of restoration go into the realms reclaiming every blessing I have lost in the past, all in the name of Jesus.

Today, I release the angels of favor, trusting that they will shower me with divine favor in every aspect of my life, in the name of Jesus. Let the angels of prosperity and success be dispatched, bringing forth abundance and blessings beyond measure, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Prayer Points

1. Father God,  I thank You for Your promise to take away sickness and disease from me (please spend time on this prayer point ).

2. I reject sickness and disease; I come against them by the Word of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

3. Every root of sickness, pain, aches, disease and infirmity in my life, be uprooted, be consumed by fire in the mighty name of Jesus.

4. Any evil power or spirit that has transferred infirmity into my life, collect your property back now in the name of Jesus.

5. I boldly speak to you the spirit of death and hell, carry your evil load from my life by fire in the name of Jesus.

6. Every owner of sickness in my life, carry it now in the name of Jesus.

7. I bind and paralyze every agent of infirmity operating in my life in the name of Jesus.

8. Every sickness transferred into my life in the dream, come out now and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.

9. Every arrow of infirmity backfire now in the name of Jesus.

10. Every power projecting diseases into my body, fall down and perish now in Jesus’ name.


11. Witchcraft affliction in my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.

12. Every generational sickness that afflicts members of my family line, I cut you off by the power in the blood of Jesus.

13. Let the stripes of Jesus Christ heal my body from every infirmity of the body and soul in Jesus’ name.

14. I refuse to bow at the altar of infirmity; rather every sickness in my body MUST bow in the name of Jesus.

15. Sickness carriers and disease agents, my life and family are not your candidate , leave now in Jesus’ name.

16. I reject every arrow that flies by day in Jesus’ name.

17. I stand against every pestilence that walks in darkness in Jesus’ name.

18. Every destruction that wastes at noon day shall not locate my address in Jesus’ name.

19. You evil terror of the night, carry your affliction back to sender in Jesus’ name.

20.Every serpent of infirmity circulating in my body, be evacuated by fire in the name of Jesus.

21. Every satanic animal hiding in my body, I command you to jump out and die by fire in the name of Jesus.

22. Every cauldron of infirmity in my father’s house, break into pieces and burn to ashes in Jesus’ name.

23. Every satanic calendar regulating my life, catch fire and burn to ashes in the name of Jesus.

24. Any satanic altar that has received my body parts in the spirit, release them by fire in the name of Jesus.

25. All my body organs that have been swallowed by witchcraft powers, hear the voice of Jesus: Come forth by fire in Jesus’ name.

26. Any satanic sacrifice that is affecting my life negatively, be destroyed by fire and the blood of Jesus.

27. Every curse of infirmity in my foundation, break break break in Jesus’ name.

28.Every covenant of death and hell, break by the power in the blood of Jesus.

29. I break every evil soul tie with witchcraft and marine spirits in Jesus’  powerful name.

30.I break every yoke of sickness and disease by the anointing of the Holy Spirit in Jesus’ name.


31. I shall not die but live to declare the glorious works of the Lord in Jesus’ name.

32. You Lazarus of my destiny, come forth now in the name of Jesus.

33. You Lazarus of my destiny, receive deliverance from every witchcraft cage now in Jesus’ name.

34. Every coffin spirit on assignment against my life, you will not succeed in the name of Jesus.

35. O Lord, with Your finger of fire, erase every evil obituary that has been written over my life by the enemy in Jesus’ name.

36. Any power that wants me to die before my glory appears, die in my place in the name of Jesus.

37. Any part of my body that is fragmented in the spirit, I command you to glue yourself together and locate me now in the name of Jesus.

38.I refuse to live in sorrow this year in Jesus’ name.

39. Wherever my case has been taken in the spirit, O Lord appear as the mighty man in battle in Jesus’ name.

40. You powers of the grave, you shall not hold me captive; lose your hold and release me now in the name of Jesus.

41. My God shall arise and all my enemies shall scatter in Jesus’ name.

42. O Lord, release your spiritual vitamins and enzymes into my blood  and heal me completely in Jesus’ name.

43. I withdraw my blood from every satanic blood bank in Jesus’ name.

44. Abba Father, thank You for answering my prayers in Jesus’ name.

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1 Comment

Umar Ali
Umar Ali
Apr 15, 2024

Dear my wife Tabassum Ali has negative energies spiritual possessed by black magic May God remove all negative energies spiritual possessed from her body

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