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Prayers for Divine Favor/Favour

Women Of Prayer

Favor is defined as approval, a kind and helpful act beyond what is due.Favor makes life easier for an individual.God's supernatural favor flowing in your life is not based on your background, looks, or personality etc.His favor is based on the Word of God and believing what it says about you. Favor can break through any and every barrier set before you, and it is available to every child of God.

When you believe and activate your faith for God's favor, it will work for you. Someone may not particularly like you or your personality, but that doesn't matter. You're believing in God's ability to influence them, and His favor on your life is supernatural. In other words it surpasses natural circumstances and understanding.God’s Word clearly shows that God wants to bless you with supernatural favor. He wants you to be blessed and to make you a blessing to everyone you meet.

See July’s Bible Plan Below For Verses on Divine Favor

These are some of the things you should take note of and practice in order to experience favor and your prayers will be answered.

1.Give your life to Christ.

2.Repent from your secret sins and confess your sins to God.

3.Ask God to have mercy and forgive you of your sinful lifestyle

4.Be a person of prayer.

5.Stay connected to God.

6.Decide to live in obedience to God’s word and trust God to help you with the decision.

7.Walk in love daily.

8.Study the Word of God.

Daily Confession of Favor

In the Name of Jesus, I am the righteousness of God. Therefore, I am entitled to covenant kindness and covenant favor. The favor of God is among the righteous. The favor of God surrounds the righteous. Therefore, it surrounds me everywhere I go and in everything I do. I expect the favor of God to be in full manifestation in my life.

Never again will I be without the favor of God. It rests richly upon me. It profusely abounds in me. I am a part of the generation that is experiencing God's favor immeasurably, limitlessly, and surpassingly. Therefore, favor produces supernatural increase, promotion, restoration, honor, increased assets, greater victories, recognition, prominence, preferential treatment, petitions granted, policies and rules changed, and battles won in which I do not have to fight.The favor of God is on me and goes before. Therefore, my life will never be the same. This is the time of God's favor in my life. That is the favor of God ,in Jesus' name, Amen.

Prayer Points

1. Lord, in whatever way that I have sinned against You and disobeyed Your word and instructions, please show me mercy according to your loving kindness and forgive my sins according to your mercy that endures forever in Jesus’ name.

2.Lord grant me the grace to live a life that attracts Your favor and that of man in Jesus’ name.

3.Lord, I thank You because my joy is multiplying as I know through this prayer I have received unlimited favor of God in Jesus’ name.

4.Lord, I seek Your mercy and favor in my life, in my studies, in my business and so on (mention those areas where you want God’s mercy and favour), in Jesus name.

5.Oh Lord, let your Spirit of lead me to unlimited success and favor this remaining part of the year in the name of Jesus.

6.Holy Father let Your favor reign in my life today and forevermore the in the name of Jesus.

7.Yahweh , lead my steps so that I can be at the right place at the right time in Jesus’ name.

8.Father, let the anointing of supernatural and divine favor rest upon my life from today onwards in the powerful name of Jesus.

8.Holy Spirit, I enter into Your divine favour today. Let the oil of Your favour begin to flow upon me. Everywhere I turn, let the doors be opened to me. Whatever I lay my hands upon, let them succeed in the name of the Lord Jesus.

9.Father I thank You for Your favor upon my life in Jesus’ name.

10.I command doors of supernatural favor to open unto me from today (mention any specific area that you needs the door of favor to open unto you such as employment doors, marital favor, fruit of the womb ,buying a house,)in the name of Jesus.

11. The God that brought Daniel into favour with great men in his days, bring me into favour with those who will move me forward in life.

12.I release myself from every power, spirit or demon association that is ministering disfavor into my life by the power in the blood of Jesus.

13.Holy Ghost fire, cleanse my life of anything chasing away favor in the name of Jesus.

14.Every seed of rejection, hatred and failure in my life, I command you to be consumed by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.

15.I declare today that the favour of God will reflect in all my labour in Jesus name.

16.I declare that the hand of God is upon me in all I do in Jesus name.

17.Jehovah because of Your favor, I declare and decree that impossible doors of success will be opened to me in Jesus name.

Declarations of Favor

1.The Lord helps me to guard the door of my mouth and trains me not to speak against His favor at work in my life (Psalm 141:3, AMP).

2.I will not allow any corrupt communication to proceed out of my mouth. Instead, I will speak only that which is good, full of grace and edifying to others (Ephesians 4:29).

3.As the righteousness of God, I declare that I am highly favored in God's sight (Job 33:26, AMP; Psalm 5:12; Proverbs 14:9).

4.Like Joseph, I prosper in every place and in every situation I am in, because the Lord is always with me. I, too, experience preferential treatment (Genesis 39:1-6, 21).

5.I am blessed and highly favored (Luke 1:28).

6.I associate with those who are blessed and highly favored so that I may increase in every area of my life (Genesis 30:27).

7.I operate in integrity; as a result, I obtain favor from God (Proverbs 11:27; Proverbs 12:2).

8.I actively seek and live by God's wisdom; therefore, I am highly favored and esteemed in the sight of God and men (Proverbs 3:1-4; Proverbs 8:33-35).

9.God's favor brings promotion and causes me to increase daily (Esther 2:17; Psalm 75:6-7).

10.The Lord takes pleasure in my prosperity. He desires for me to prosper in every area of my life--spiritually, financially, emotionally, physically, mentally and socially (Psalm 35:27; 3 John 2).

11.The favor of God shields me; therefore, no sickness or disease can live in my body (Deuteronomy 7:15; Psalm 5:12).

12.Wealth and riches are in my house because I am empowered with God's anointing and favor to draw wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18; Psalm 112:3).

13.God is pleased with me and His favor endures for a lifetime (Psalm 30:5, AMP).

14.God surrounds and protects me with favor like a shield (Psalm 5:12).

15.Fear cannot rule in my life because I have favor with God (Luke 1:30).

16.My enemies cannot triumph over me because the Lord has favored me (Psalm 41:11)





Kush Nana
8 hours ago

Amen and amen I will back to give my testimony if my visa is approved in Jesus’ mighty name


Jessie Onyimbo
Jessie Onyimbo
Aug 10, 2024



Violet Mwende
Violet Mwende
Jul 16, 2024



Shannar Grant
Shannar Grant
Jun 21, 2024



Janet James
Janet James
Jan 25, 2021

AMEN 🙏🙏🙏🙏

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