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Prayer is a time to look to God for guidance.

Writer's picture: womenofprayer10womenofprayer10

Updated: Sep 4, 2019

Prayer is a time to seek God's guidance

Proverbs 3:5-6 says Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding;6 in all your ways submit to Him, and He will make your paths straight.

In life I have come to the realisation that we all need some form of guidance in everything we do.For example you need guidance when it comes to making a decision about the school you need to go to, you need guidance on which subjects to study, you need guidance in which companies to invest in, which car to buy and the list goes on and on.In everything we all need guidance. Isaiah 58:11The LORD will guide you always; He will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail.

Guidance from people at times is good for us but the best guidance that you will ever receive as a believer is from God Himself. God guides us through His Holy Spirit that abides in us. Jesus Christ asked the Father to give us a helper who is the Holy Spirit,who guides us in the things that we do concerning our lives and when we pray to God our spirit bears witness with the Holy Spirit and He leads us to where God wants us to be.

John 16:13 But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth. He will not speak on His own; He will speak only what He hears, and He will tell you what is yet to come.Here is another example (shared with consent) one of the Woman of Prayer (Wop) needed guidance from God when she wanted to get married(Read prayers for a godly spouse).Two men of God approached her and made clear that they wanted to date her with the intentions to marry her.Though she was flattered and she was happy that God had answered her prayer request for marriage, she needed to make sure that whoever she was going to marry was her God ordained spouse and not a counterfeit spouse sent by the devil.She was not sure who was the right man for her so she needed to seek the face of God in Prayer. As she felt that this was a life changing situation , she went into continuous prayer and fasting and she was determined she would not stop until God revealed the man she was supposed to marry.

So through prayer and fasting she was able to be guided to whom is now her current husband and they have been married for years now. This is why it is very important that in all things we ask God to guide us. Many people are living a life of regret ,wishing they could turn back the hands of time, wishing they could have avoided the choices that they have made in life which have led to bad decisions and humiliation, shame and disgrace.Some are marrying the wrong people because they did not seek the face of God , some are in awful professions they absolutely hate,wasted years in college for degrees that they are not even using, debts which  have accumulated interest and they can’t seem to clear,the list is endless but it comes to the same conclusion these are  “All results of bad decisions because of lack of guidance“.Back to our Wop ,God revealed her spouse through prayer and through dreams confirmations and the Word of God.Yes she got confirmation from a couple of men of God who received a Word of knowledge and prophecy from God but she always states that she needed her own personal confirmation and Glory be to God in the highest she received it through prayer. So it is very important to have a relationship with God for He will guide us to the right place in all we do.Now imagine a world where we wouldn’t have to go through the mistakes, the heartbreak, the shame, the retrogression and failure because we would have gone to God first before making any choices and decisions. Other people do this on a daily basis and are experiencing God’s amazing grace and blessings and are enjoying an abundant life.Proverbs 16:9 In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.

How does God speak Speak to us?

1.Through the Word of God - The Holy Bible. The psalmist declares "Your word is a lamp to my feet, and a light for my path". Psalm 119:105

2.By the Spirit of God, for there's a promise - the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth (if we let Him!) John 16:13

3.Through others.This might be by someone praying for you and receiving a word, prophecy or perhaps a picture for you. But it might also be through a chance conversion or even a random stranger! God is not just restricted to speaking through Christians, Acts 10:34

34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and said, Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons.He can use anyone, remember He used a donkey.

A Prayer for Guidance


Dear God,

We humbly ask for Your guidance.Grant us, in all our doubts and uncertainties, the grace to ask what You would have us do, that the Spirit of wisdom may save us from all bad choices and that in Your light we may see light, and in Your straight path may not stumble through,All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour. Amen.


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Lichani Tungoe
Lichani Tungoe
2019년 9월 10일


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