The Bible is very clear, we should Pray without ceasing. 1 Thessalonians 5: 17.We know that PRAYER is communicating with God. Billy Graham answered the question about prayer this way: “Prayer is spiritual communication between man and God, a two-way relationship in which man should not only talk to God but also listen to Him. It is like a child’s conversation with his father. It is natural for a child to ask his father for the things he needs.” As believers we talk to God and we should wait for God to talk to us. When we pray God answers us in three ways, yes ,no and wait. The question is, why do we pray and how do we then pray to get expected result? God desires to have fellowship with us as His children, just the same as an earthly father enjoys conversations with his children. Remember in Genesis when God came down in the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden to talk to Adam and Eve.
Prayer is also fellowship and communion with God. Prayer and studying God's word are the two greatest tools for accessing God's purpose for man, in fact you can neither hear or talk to God without prayer and His Word. Prayer is part of taking God's words back to Him about His promises over our lives, it is divine communion between man and God. The essence of prayer is to seek God's divine intervention in our problems, situations, issues and lives as a whole thereby getting answers to our needs; it shows our dependence on God for solutions to our problems.
The sad truth is, most Christian don't like to praying, some don't know how to pray, others don't know when to pray, and they often pray amiss leading to many unanswered prayers. The manner in we approach the throne of grace determines the results we get. These are not the exhaustive steps but they are simple steps will guide you to pray better and get results.
1. Start all prayer with thanksgiving and end with thanksgiving.
Psalm.100:4 says Enter His gates with thanksgiving and His courts with praise; give thanks to Him and praise His name , and in Mathew 6:10 When Jesus was teaching the disciple how to pray, He taught them to start their prayer with thanksgiving. You don't start prayer with petition as if God is your mate, He is The Almighty God, the Creator of the universe, our Father, therefore you approach Him with reverence. Jesus and the Apostles demonstrate this in the bible by acknowledging God first before making any request. In Acts 4:24.When they heard this, they raised their voices together in prayer to God. “Sovereign Lord,” they said, “You made the heavens and the earth and the sea, and everything in them.
In Jesus Christ's ministry on earth, the Lord always thanked Jehovah for everything, He thanked God before He broke the bread during the feeding of the five thousand in Matthew 14:19, He thanked God before He said any word and when He raised Lazarus His friend from death in John 11:41-42 just to name a few examples.
2. Have Faith in God.
Mathew 21: 22 says "and all things whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing ye shall receive" and Jesus always said, "your faith has made you whole". Before you pray have faith that the Lord is able to answer you. Your faith should not be shaken by your situation. If you read the scriptures, everything about the bible is about Faith, so if you must get anything from God you must have faith in Him. The Scriptures state that now without faith it is impossible to please God, since the one who draws near to Him must believe that He exists and that He rewards those who seek Him.(Hebrews 11:6).Be the kind of believer who believes that God is going to do it for you before you see it. May the Holy Spirit of God give you revelation concerning this in Jesus' name. Amen.
3. Remind the situation how great Your God is.
Your prayer life should acknowledge the Lord in His rightful place in your life. Believe that there is nothing too hard for Him to do. He said son of man is there anything too hard for God do,,,,,, Genesis 18:4, Jeremiah 32:27. For with God nothing shall be impossible, Luke 1:37, John 14:12-13.So when you go into prayer, especially warfare prayer, let that situation know that Your God will come through and believe that He will. Do what it takes for following Christ, and to maintain your reverence for God. Know that He is mighty, He is the creator of the Universe and deserves glory, praise and honour. Don't doubt your prayer whenever you pray because by doing so, you are doubting God's power.
4. Pray God's Word.
Remind God of His word on your situation, for example for healing quote Jeremiah. 30:17, I will restore health unto you and heal you. If your prayer is for a blessing read, 2 Corinthians 2:8-9, Deuteronomy 7:13, read Deuteronomy 28:1-14. Remember, you can only know the right word to apply if study your bible. You will always pray amiss without proper knowledge of the bible, because you can only know God's will for your life through bible study. Have you ever had a one-sided conversation with someone who talked continuously without listening to you or giving you a chance to speak? That conversation didn’t go very far did it? You were probably irritated and annoyed after a short period of time. We do the same thing to God when we pray without reading the Bible, His eternal letter of love and wisdom to each one of us on earth. Reading the Scriptures help us to know God. It brings life to our prayers. If you want to have a more effective conversation with God, read His Word. You talk to God through prayer, and He talks to you through His Word and reveals Himself to you by His Spirit.
5. Confess your sins.
John 9:31 clearly says "Now we know that God does not hear sinners; but if anyone is a worshiper of God and does His will, He hears him." The word of God is clear in 1 John 1:9 "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness." Prayer is a time to talk to God about everything and that includes the wrong things we have done. Some people will say, "but God already knows everything so why should we tell Him when we have sinned? "We have to obey the Word of God and confess our sins. We are imperfect people who make mistakes and we do offend God. The problem with most Christians is that we fail to understand that once we live in sin, the devil will accuse us before God, thereby reducing your faith when your prayers are not answered which automatically renders your prayer powerless.

There is power in prayer.Im so grateful for reading the message and getting to know how to pray effectively
Thank you sooo much! This is such an awakening....May God bless and replenish you in return in Jesus name. How can I print this out so I can study when I can't use my phone? Thanks
This is so insightful. I have been blessed. I now know how to pray effectively. 🙏🏾
This is great, I am learning everyday. “ if you want to have more effective conversations with God, read His Word. You talk to God through prayer and He talks to you through His Word and reveals Himself to you by His Spirit “ Powerful 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
This is awesome , I have been learning to pray.The post is powerful and timely.